Calling all new 2021/22 U7’s – starter session 10/08/21

We are now taking names for next season’s u7’s at East Coker Cockerels FC.

A starter training night with one of our clubs UEFA B qualified coaches will take place on Tuesday 10th August for next seasons new U7’s team. Due to Covid this starter session is a lot later than usual.

If your child is in the age bracket below & would like to join the East Coker Cockerels team please register your interest via the details below. You will be added to a WhatsApp group. The players will need appropriate footwear (mould’s or astro’s), shin pads & a drinks bottle for every session.

The club will be looking for a coach for this team, as we do every season for our U7’s, so please drop in if you feel its something you would like to help with. The club will pay for your FA level 1 course. Alternatively please email

Age as of 31/08/2021 = 6

School Year in Sept 2021 = Year 2

Football Age Group for 2021/22 Season = Under 7

*Under 7 – the player must have attained the age of 6 as at midnight on 31st August in the playing season but must be under the age of 7 as at midnight on 31st August in the playing season.

Text the coach on Tel: 07460 810887

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